• Geophysical survey using method multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) for the constructin residental-comercial complex ”ELIXIR VOZDOVAC“, August 2023.
Investor: BP-SG DOO Belgrade
• Geotehnical Elaborate for the construction of the Vilotijevic winery complex, Sremski Karlovci, February 2024.
• Geophysical survey using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method for the construction of a solar power plant, Sombor, March 2024.
Investor: HIDROZAVOD DTD AD, Novi Sad
• Seismic survey for the construction of a pedestrian-bicycle link across the Save River, May 2024.
• Geophysical survey using geoelectrical method for the water supply of Military complex Desić, May 2024.
Investor: CENTRALLINE DOO, Belgrade
• Geophysical survey using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method for the construction of a solar power plant, Indjija, June 2024.
Investor: GT SOIL INZENJERING, Belgrade
• Geophysical survey using ERT method for the Tolicki Vis quarry, Mionica, June 2024.
• Geophysical survey seismic methods (Refraction, MASW) for for the purposes of designing and building a new flotation factory ”Jama“, June 2024.
Investor: Mining and metallurgy institute, Bor
• Elaborate of the seismic microzonation - for new flotation factory ”Jama“, June 2024.
Investor: Mining and metallurgy institute, Bor
• Project of geophysical survey for geothermal investigation in Serbia, June 2024.
• Geophysical survey (Refraction, MASW, ERT) for for the purposes of designing and building construction camp in mine factory ”Jama“, July 2024.
Investor: GEOING GROUP, Belgrade
• Elaborate of the seismic microzonation - construction camp in mine factory ”Jama“, July 2024.
Investor: GEOING GROUP, Belgrade
• Elaborate of the seismic microzonation - station buildings of the Novi Beograd railway station, August 2024.
Investor: AG INSTITUTE, Novi Sad
• Elaborate of the geophysical survey and microzonation of storehouse in Bukovik, September 2024.
Investor: PESTAN DOO, Bukovik
• Combination of geophysic methods (Refraction, MASW, ERT, cross-hole geoelectric tomography, down-Hole seismic survey)
for the purposes of designing and constructing the ”Struganik“ dam and reservoir, September - October 2024.
Investor: GIM AD Skopje - Branch of GIM Belgrade
• Geophysical surveys (refraction, masw) for the purposes of constructing cassettes 3 and 4 within the TIR plant in Bor, November 2024.
Investor: IRM, Bor
• Geophysical field surveys (refraction, masw, ERT) in the zone of construction of transport system facilities - Phase I at the South District Mine in Majdanpek, December 2024.
Investor: IRM, Bor